What Do They Mean When They Call Alcohol a Depressant?
Alcohol is the most widely used and consumed drug in the entire world. Alcohol is all around us, and many times our society conditions us to view alcohol as a fun party boosting activity. Unfortunately, alcohol consumption can become excessive and eventually lead...
Life Gets Better When You’re Sober
It can seem impossible to imagine a life without alcohol when you’ve been living in a life where alcohol is at the center of your world. You’ve said it so many times before, “This is my last drink”, but sadly that is not usually the case. If you’ve been looking for an...
The Effects of Alcoholism on Society
The effects of alcoholism go far beyond the individual suffering from alcoholic dependence. When a person has a problem with alcohol it can affect a wide range of people, including their spouse, family, and even their children. It can also have a large impact on their...