Help Someone Else Quit Articles

COVID-19 Quarantine Poses Serious Threat to Those Struggling With Alcohol Abuse

The recent call to stay at home and isolate to halt the spread of Coronavirus hits those struggling with alcohol abuse harder than most. Keep reading to hear from Go Sober co-founder, Greg Hoffman, to learn about how the quarantine can impact those individuals...

What is Alcoholism?

Alcohol is not a new substance. Since the beginning of time, almost every single culture has used some type of alcoholic beverage. We even know that alcoholic beverages like wine and beer were considered healthier alternatives since they did not have the knowledge or...

What Makes Go Sober Different: Words We Don’t Like To Use

Go Sober is unlike any other alcohol treatment program you’ve ever seen before. Due to our unique setup, we’ve become highly successful at helping people say goodbye to alcohol forever. Here at Go Sober, we’re changing the game when it comes to alcohol treatment,...

Breaking The Cycle: The Go Sober Difference

On average, those who struggle with alcohol dependence go through typical treatment about six times before they are able to fully get rid of that dependence. At Go Sober, 80% of our patients go through our program once and are then alcohol free for the rest of their...