First DUI Offense in Colorado: All You Need to Know
Contrary to popular belief, a first DUI offense in Colorado is not considered a traffic crime but a misdemeanor offense. For comparison, it is similar to a class 1 misdemeanor in terms of severity. If convicted, you can spend up to a year in jail, lose your license...
Getting A DUI for the First Time: What You Need to Know
It’s never a good idea to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol. All states in the union take drunk driving very seriously. Colorado is no exception. Even your first offense can have severe implications. Here, we answer some of your most frequently...
COVID-19 Quarantine Poses Serious Threat to Those Struggling With Alcohol Abuse
The recent call to stay at home and isolate to halt the spread of Coronavirus hits those struggling with alcohol abuse harder than most. Keep reading to hear from Go Sober co-founder, Greg Hoffman, to learn about how the quarantine can impact those individuals...