
What Do They Mean When They Call Alcohol a Depressant?

Alcohol is the most widely used and consumed drug in the entire world. Alcohol is all around us, and many times our society conditions us to view alcohol as a fun party boosting activity. Unfortunately, alcohol consumption can become excessive and eventually lead people down a dark path. 

With alcohol being considered a drug, it is often referred to as a depressant. But what does that mean exactly? At Go Sober, we understand the negative impact that alcohol can have on your life. If you or someone you know is struggling with excessive alcohol consumption, we’re here for you. We’ve spent years working with top neuroscientists, medical professionals, mental health experts, and addiction specialists to create an alcohol treatment program with an extremely high success rate. Our goal is simple: to help you go sober forever. 

Alcohol is classified as a depressant. This means that it slows down the vital functions which can result in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions, and an inability to react quickly. Depressant drugs also affect the mind and can be best understood as a drug that reduces a person’s ability to think rationally. Depressants are also known as “downers” and can have intense short-term and long-term effects. 

Short Term Effects 

Depending on the amount of alcohol that a person has consumed, the short-term effects may be seen in different or a variety of ways. It’s also important to note that some people may experience the opposite intended effect. While a typical effect is to feel fatigued, some people may respond with aggression and agitation. 

Some of the short term effects can be seen as:

  • Slowed brain function
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Poor concentration
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Disorientation
  • Depression

Long Term Effects  

When looking at the long-term effects, tolerances can be built with depressant drugs which is why alcohol may hit people with the effects at various times throughout the period of drinking. Long-term use of depressants can produce mental and physical effects such as:

  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Sexual problems
  • Sleep issues

If the dependency goes further the person may experience extreme cravings, anxiety, and panic. The long-term usage of alcohol can also increase a person’s risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight gain — instances of up to 100 pounds have been reported when taking depressant drugs. Liver failure and other heart problems can also result. 

The consequences that arise from excessive drinking are serious, which is why we are here for you at Go Sober. With two locations in Colorado, Longmont, and Centennial, we focus on helping you regain your life. We even offer a free consultation where you can sit with a trained specialist who will be there to understand what your struggles with alcoholism are. This is a no-obligation, confidential session that can help us craft a plan for you that will let you live a sober lifestyle. Taking the first step is scary, but it is well worth it. Contact us today to get started and take control of your life.

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