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I’m Ready to Quit!

Breaking The Cycle: The Go Sober Difference

Breaking The Cycle: The Go Sober Difference

On average, those who struggle with alcohol dependence go through typical treatment about six times before they are able to fully get rid of that dependence. At Go Sober, 80% of our patients go through our program once and are then alcohol free for the rest of their life.  Instead of going through the cycle of alcohol treatment, break the cycle and begin your treatment with Go Sober. The treatment program at Go Sober is unlike anything...

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The Physical Effects of Alcohol

We’re all aware of the effects that alcohol has on your brain. The impaired judgment, blurry vision, and slower motor skills are all common effects of alcohol than adults are, for the most part, very familiar with. However, it's important to look at the physical...

First DUI Offense in Colorado: All You Need to Know

Contrary to popular belief, a first DUI offense in Colorado is not considered a traffic crime but a misdemeanor offense. For comparison, it is similar to a class 1 misdemeanor in terms of severity. If convicted, you can spend up to a year in jail, lose your license...

What is Alcoholism?

Alcohol is not a new substance. Since the beginning of time, almost every single culture has used some type of alcoholic beverage. We even know that alcoholic beverages like wine and beer were considered healthier alternatives since they did not have the knowledge or...

New Year, Better You

While we’re already a few weeks into the new year of 2020 and you may have skipped out on your resolution to hit the gym more, keep your resolution of living a sober life with Go Sober. Many times, people don’t end up following through with their new year's...

The Brain and Addiction

The term “addiction”is derived from the Latin term meaning “enslaved by” or “bound to”. It is not a character or personality flaw that occurs in people, which is how it was traditionally seen as and still can be seen as that. However, we need to look at addiction as a...

Mindfulness and Meditation: Enhancing Life Without Alcohol

In the journey towards sobriety and maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle, individuals often seek tools that can help manage cravings, reduce stress, and foster a deeper sense of well-being. Mindfulness and meditation have emerged as powerful practices in this...

Fun Things To Do This Weekend That Don’t Involve Alcohol

Weekends are the perfect time to unwind and have fun after a long week of work or school. However, many people associate fun activities with drinking alcohol. While there's nothing wrong with having a drink or two, it's important to remember that there are plenty of...

COVID-19 Quarantine Poses Serious Threat to Those Struggling With Alcohol Abuse

The recent call to stay at home and isolate to halt the spread of Coronavirus hits those struggling with alcohol abuse harder than most. Keep reading to hear from Go Sober co-founder, Greg Hoffman, to learn about how the quarantine can impact those individuals...

Alcohol and The Effects On Your Brain

Alcohol consumption, while often socially accepted and widely practiced, has profound effects on the brain, influencing everything from neurotransmitter function to long-term cognitive abilities. This article delves into the scientific understanding of how alcohol...

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

While there are many people who can occasionally have a drink or two without issue, for others, alcohol causes major problems in their lives. People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) struggle to control their drinking, which negatively impacts several areas of their...

Alcohol and The Effects On Your Brain

Alcohol consumption, while often socially accepted and widely practiced, has profound effects on the brain, influencing everything from neurotransmitter function to long-term cognitive abilities. This article delves into the scientific understanding of how alcohol...

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Help Someone Else Quit

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

While there are many people who can occasionally have a drink or two without issue, for others, alcohol causes major problems in their lives. People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) struggle to control their drinking, which negatively impacts several areas of their...

Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder

Many people don’t realize that they have a troubled relationship with alcohol until something happens that forces them to face reality. They lose their job, face DUI charges, or a significant relationship falls apart. Suddenly, they can’t deny the impact alcohol has...

The Physical Effects of Alcohol

We’re all aware of the effects that alcohol has on your brain. The impaired judgment, blurry vision, and slower motor skills are all common effects of alcohol than adults are, for the most part, very familiar with. However, it's important to look at the physical...

COVID-19 Quarantine Poses Serious Threat to Those Struggling With Alcohol Abuse

The recent call to stay at home and isolate to halt the spread of Coronavirus hits those struggling with alcohol abuse harder than most. Keep reading to hear from Go Sober co-founder, Greg Hoffman, to learn about how the quarantine can impact those individuals...

It’s Not About “Willpower”: The Science of Alcohol Addiction

By now, you have resolved to stop drinking countless times. You know how much it hurts your loved ones when you drink. You know that it impacts your job performance. You know that your life is at risk due to your drinking. Yet every time you say, “this is my last...

The Effects of Alcoholism on Society

The effects of alcoholism go far beyond the individual suffering from alcoholic dependence. When a person has a problem with alcohol it can affect a wide range of people, including their spouse, family, and even their children. It can also have a large impact on their...

Recognizing Early Signs of AUD In A Loved One Or Friend

Recognizing the early signs of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in a loved one can be challenging. Often, the signs are subtle and easily overlooked, especially in the early stages. However, early detection and intervention can significantly improve the chances of recovery...

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Alcohol and The Effects On Your Brain

Alcohol consumption, while often socially accepted and widely practiced, has profound effects on the brain, influencing everything from neurotransmitter function to long-term cognitive abilities. This article delves into the scientific understanding of how alcohol...

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Resources for Professionals

Alcohol and The Effects On Your Brain

Alcohol consumption, while often socially accepted and widely practiced, has profound effects on the brain, influencing everything from neurotransmitter function to long-term cognitive abilities. This article delves into the scientific understanding of how alcohol...

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Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder

Many people don’t realize that they have a troubled relationship with alcohol until something happens that forces them to face reality. They lose their job, face DUI charges, or a significant relationship falls apart. Suddenly, they can’t deny the impact alcohol has...

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