AUDIT Results

Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test

AUDIT is a simple and effective method of screening for unhealthy or risky alcohol use.  It is the most widely used alcohol screening tool in the world.  Importantly, it provides a framework for further investigation to help people at risk, cease their alcohol consumption and avoid harmful consequences.  The AUDIT score is broken into 3 categories which range from Low-risk or no action required all the way to Alcohol Dependent where detox and treatment are recommended.

The Go Sober Solution

Our solution is to restore the brain’s ability to produce dopamine naturally without alcohol. Our experience shows that certain medications can do this very quickly. Go Sober uses medications to restore the dopamine response and supplements that help maintain it. Additionally, we incorporate behavioral changes to trigger the normal production of dopamine on a regular basis. This eliminates deficits causing the anxiety that produces thoughts about alcohol. It’s much easier to not drink when not thinking about alcohol. If you’re ready to stop drinking for good, we can help. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about Go Sober’s alcohol treatment program, and reset your life today!

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